Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

15 August, 2010

On being Four

On Aug 14, I completed 4 years of my professional life. So, kudos to me and my friends!
For all those do not know, I completed 4 years of my IT (software) job in the same company, which I code-name in my posts as Nirvana! And what 4 years these have been! Wow!!! Fresh from college, we were a part of this organization, and we've definitely come a long way!

I still remember the tinkle in my Dad's eyes, when I told him that I got this job! He was happy to know that my first paycheck would outweigh his salary of his 28th year! Man, I could never forget that day, that moment!

Hmm.. so how do I feel, what do I think, what did I learn, where do I stand, and most importnatly - what next? Too many questions for me to answer. Here are a few thoughts:

  • We were a bunch (8, to be precise) of fresh graduates put together, to be labeled as Project team for the Indian wing.
  • So, it was just another college for us (lets call it Niravana), with just one exception - we were paid!

Coherent Feelings - Then and Now!
  • When we came here, we shared a thought - I am here to work, for this organization. Now, I think - This is my organization. First we tried to abide by the rules, now we lay our own rules.. now that's a rocking feeling!
On a lighter side...
  • However, there is another thought we shared back then - This is my cubicle, my another home. Now, we think - This is company's cubicle, and I want to go home :P !!! Just kidding!

What did I learn/realize
  • There is hell lot of difference when it comes to work for an organization, than what you actually perceive. Back then, we wanted to be the best - best programmers, for instance. However, now we think that there is more than to being the best! Its to know what you are NOT best at! Yes, to know your weakenesses! That does help.
  • I tried my best to share my knowledge, my thoughts.. The best part is when your mentee becomes a mentor, and you are proud that you once shared something with him!
  • Be open - discuss and resolve. There is nothing more important than talking... talking honestly, talking practically!
  • Do not settle, look out for a better solution. Of course, constraint matters!
  • The most difficult parts of projects are achieved by taking small & simple, yet effective steps.
  • Admit and accept your mistakes. If you did it wrong, come forward and admit/accept the same. It helps you grow.
  • Do not panic come-what-may. This is where experience comes in handy. Consider the problem, to be half-solved if you can still keep your head cool during crisis situations!
  • Also, am thankful, for all the overseas opportunities (14 in number) which I got, which helped me to learn a lot, just by interacting with the people across the globe! The key in understanding them, and delivering them with the best, lies in being simple. Now, being simple is usually really difficult to achieve!
What is it that I wish to achieve
  • What I wish to achieve from here on is to BUILD A CULTURE.
  • Build a culture, where in all the people, whether big or small, new or old, would come in and contribute.
  • If you know some good technical stuff - share! Do not hesitate, just share as much as you know. Never mind if you are not the master of that domain. Just come and share.
  • Always think - Which are the top-of-the-stack things around me which I would like to change? Now, work on the top 3 to make it happen!
  • Plan out for some activity - like playing/partying/some outing! Just plan, and drag all those are around. It helps in the longer run. A combination of (Work+Play) is unbeatable!
  • Try NOT to follow the process, but be optimistic, so as to improvise on it! Improvise, innovate, and be open to it.
What next?
  • Read a big fat question mark here. I really need a few pointers here, to be able to figure out my immediate next goals to work on.

Well, the whole post, went a bit corporate/nerdy... however, the bottom line is - I do not regret my past four years - I enjoyed every bit, I learned every moment; but in the coming years, I still need to explore what I really want from life. The hunt is still on.. and I will not settle... will keep looking for what would I really like to do!

06 August, 2010

Me and my worse situations

Funny, Jolly, Laughing at your worst of moments kind of guy that you might be, you still would have passed those 's***ty' situations! Shit, it happens. Yes, it does!

"Accept it. Don't look back, Forget it, and MOVE ON" are the super words, that you will hear, even from the usual not-at-all-philosophers around. And you want to get pass it, and you manage to go few miles too, almost forgetting about those situations.. yes, almost!

The worst part of the shitty situation is that, even if you manage to forget it, it WILL (note caps) be remembered! And REMINDED! Not by you, but by your so-called loved ones around! Somehow, they derive pure immense pleasure, and leave no tables unturned in going down your memory lanes, and bringing it all back! And history keeps repeating, every few miles.. in an infinite loop! And then, it takes a wile for you to be back to the present, and again re-iterating the forget-and-move-on process.

Looking on how to get a permanent fix here? Doesn't seem quite. Just forming a re-iteration process flow here:

  • Close your eyes, and tell yourself.. you've got through this before, you can do it for one more time.
  • Always remind yourself - You are a good person. That is the only thing true.
  • SMILE, and try to give it a laugh, though falsified.
  • Try to detach your conscious from the obvious. A good memory should help.
  • A quick nap could do wonders.
  • Get up, and tell yourself in the mirror - "Idiot. Its OK. Get Going."

And if nothing works, just give a firm tight slap to you, and greet yourself morning, for a new day!