Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

13 April, 2012

Superstitious Software Professionals

A recent comment on facebook got me a few likes. It was about the website of Indian Railways:

1. Always respect IRCTC (Never try to switch to any other site while booking tickets - pay complete attention to it). Ritual*
2. Never use ICICI Payment Gateway (Use HDFC preferably) - its frequently goes down.
3. Never login using the same user in two browsers - it does not help.
4. Pray

And you might think that's humorous, wouldn't you ?
No, its not for plain humor!
Its a fact for some of us.
You can call us Superstitious Software Professionals.

Didn't the software working perfectly just the previous day, show some abnormalities today? And isn't there 0.1% chance that it might just work again tomorrow, even though we did not fix it at all?

Doesn't your personal computer have its own set of preferences for some softwares; like my laptop has some attitude problems when working with IE or WORD.

If you do share the same feelings, share a few superstitious examples with me. Its fun to share :)

1 comment:

Arshat Chaudhary said...

I really like your posts yaar... Awesome :)