Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

12 July, 2013

Today is Day no. 6

She is away.
Just for a short trip.
Its a dream come true, for some of us. It indeed is.
After all, this happened after 30 months, in my case.
It lasted for 5 days.
Today is day no. 6.

The Start.
Morning movie, with Vadapav and Udipi Pizza. With Friends. Old times were back.
F1 Grand Prix on TV. Tennis finals. Chinese dinner.
Weekend: [Full Sat + Full Sunday (v/s Half)]. Joy.
 Monday travel. 5 hours.
(Work. Home. 2hrs. Sleep. Get Up. Sleep. 1hour. Work)^5.

The more I analyze, the more I realize, the more my mind paralyze. :)
Am I a machine, is what should materialize?
 Get Up. Sleep. TV. Songs not understood. Work.
 Work. Home. Drop Keys. TV. Freshen. Food + TV. TV. Radio. Book. Sleep.
 Sleep. Get Up. Sleep. Bell. Garbage. Freshen. No Food. Work.

Now. English. Story of last 5 days.
This is before I doze off, which is not later than 2 hrs since I arrive back home from work.
Or from the time I get up, and go to the work.
I perform the exact same things, in the said sequence, in the said manner, with the said emotions.
I keep searching the entire house for something, which I never seek.
Everything is there, but there's nothing what I like. 
Wholesomeness. Loneliness. Incompleteness.

 You add flavor in my life,
 You are the spark which drives my life. 
 You imbalance the equilibrium, that sets it alright.
 Without you, I go completely psyche,
 Your presence alone, is what I like.

 Dear dear, Come back soon. It is a total eclipse.
 Today is day no. six. 

P.S.: Yes, it seemed ^5.
         x 5 would be a lie.

19 May, 2013

Interpretations of a revengeful Mahabharata story

Giving a kick-start to reading once again, wanted to read stories of our roots, our epics, our mythology. Hence, started a quest to find a good read. Having started with a very renowned interpretation of Bhagwad Gita, it quite didn't justify its title to me! And so, found this book - "Yuganta", by Iravati Karve (Ok... Credits: Rajiv Bhatt). Its a critic's interpretation of the Mahabharata Story. To be read only with an open mind, and yes, it will hurt your religous sentiments! The image of your heroes, will be compromised!

Just narrating a small part from this book, the story of the revenge from Mahabharata and why it exists and continued for three generations! It does not describe the revenge between the Kauravs and Pandavas; it is something which might be untold by our religous gurus!

Mahabharata, as we know, starts with the king Janamajeya, who is continously (for over 10 years) sacrificing snakes to take revenge, for a snake killed his father - King Parikshit. A saint (Vaisham-Payana), while journeying his kingdom, requests him to stop this massacre, by reciting the Mahabharata story. It seemed to be a silly confusing plot of killing the snakes. But, is it?!!  How the story unfolds, is remarkable.. !

We all know that after the Kauravs tried killing the Pandavas, by setting the palace on fire, the latter go into  hiding. They only come out on the eve of Swayambar, wherein Arjun wins Draupadi's hand. The basis for entering the competition is not only to win the bride, but also to make allies with a powerful king to bounce back! After coming with Draupadi, back to Hastinapura, Dhitrashtra gives in, and hands over the land of Khandavaprastha (barren land with forest) to the Pandavas.Its the same place, which will be called Indraprastha in the future.

Immediately, after getting the land of Khandavaprastha, Arjuna, then goes into exile for about a year, and marries Subhadra in Dwarka. Why? With more alliies, comes great power! He comes back, with a lot of wealth to Khandavaprastha. Krishna and Arjuna, then visit the Khandava forest. It is said that while visiting the forest, they meet a saint. The saint is Agni Deva, who wishes to satisfy his hunger by burning the dense forest. In grant of Arjun's and Krishna's wish of a great chariot, Agni Deva sets the forest on fire. Krishna and Arjuna are said to circle the forest for a week there-after, and send all the animals, who try to escape, back to the burning forest. Or butcher them! This episode of the story, is an interpretation, to make our heroes look good!

An open minded / critic's interpretation is the following. Arjuna and Krishna walk into the forest, discussing the ideas of their expansion. Khandavaprastha, was a small place, and definitely did not stand as compared to the capital city of Hastinapura. The Khandava forest, was very adjacent. The Khandava forest, was inhabited by the Takshak clan (i.e. King Takshaka, and his people, also known as the Naga clan).  The only way of expansion would be to conquer the forest. So, they set the forest on fire. Also, they circle the forest for a week there-after, not killing the animals, but the Naga (snakes) clan community, so as to avoid any claims/challenges against the conquering of the land. The story of Agni Deva, seems to be just a cover-up in making our heroes obeying the sain'ts wish.

Only 7 people were spared from this incedent. King Takshaka himself, as he wasn't in the forest, during the fire. King Takshaka's son. Four Brahmin sons. And a demon (asura), called Maya. The asuara community were known to build good structures (even better than the wodden structures/palace which the Aryans built). Due to the gracious life sparing gesture, Maya goes ahead and creates Mayasabha, also later on known as the grand  palace of Indraprastha.They were known to make colorful ceramic styled tiles like structure, as well. They placed land looking muddy (or green) tiles under water, and blue tiles like structure on the land. i.e. They made dry land look like water, and water bodies look like land!

After this, the four Pandavas (sparing Yudhishthir) go on exile acquiring more lands in four directions. They come back, and invite all their allies, with the spared kings whom they conquered for a great yagnya. A special invitation is sent to Hastinapura as well. Duryodhana is mentioned to be getting confused by walking onto the land, which seems like water, walls looking like doors, doors looking like walls, and falls into the water body, which looks like land. Draupadi and Bhima laugh cunningly at this act. Yudhishthir orders servants to provide new clothes to Duryodhana. Duryodhana, does not forget this insult for a long time (and hence the episode of game of dice and Draupadi on stake)..

So, winding up on the revenge episode, Takshaka king himself or his succeding generation tries killing Arjuna during the Kurukshetra war, but is well protected by Krishna. Arjuna's grandson is King Parikshita, who is killed by the successor generation of Takshaka (and hence the story of Parikshit Raja being killed by a snake). Parikshit's son King Janamajeya, in turn kills the generation snakes (representing the Naga clan people). Hence, the revenge continues for three generations in a row!

Its very difficult to understand that there were 4 interpretations written, by different people, after listening to the story from Vyasa. Vyasa, also, may not be the original story teller of Mahabharata story. Also, the scriptures of Mahabharata, are very poetic-like in nature (eg: Representing Naga clan community, as the animals) and hence, open to the various interpretations. Of these 4 scriptures, only two of them seem to be found. One of them is found to be almost complete. The other one is found to be partial. When these stories are told from generations to generations, the interpretations keep changing.. !

My interpretation of the Mahabharata story, is that it seems to be a realistic story, which brings out both, the good and bad in the people. Its our very human nature (to be good and bad). Both Kauravas and Pandavas, possessed their good and bad qualities. They had a fight, and Pandavas won. Period.

How, the interpretation flows, however, is that the one who win are made heroes (read 'Pandavas'), and the one who lose are made villians (read 'Kauravas'). The heroes are protected by several cover-ups, for their wrong doings, and the magnitude of cover-ups increase exponentially, over the various interpretations! So, the heroes become super-heroes and villians become super-villians!

Just feel bad that, a few more interpretations more and the *reel* story that we interpret today, will become extinct!

11 February, 2013

Transferring thy home loan

A 'home' is most definitely, where your heart is! So, began the search, about a year ago, and yes, it was found. As is the case with the most sellers, this deal too had to be closed ASAP. So, being salaried that I am, I did not have the liberty of choosing the nationalized bank to borrow the loan from(read 'SBI').  So, it had to be a private firm (read 'HDFC'). The reason was obvious - unpredictable loan processing time v/s 15-20 days processing time.

So, loan was sanctioned @10.75% floating, EMI started and 8 months passed! Then came the usual culprits - new HDFC loans offered @ 10.5%, but my Rate of Interest was still the same. Ofcourse, I learned that the spread had to be bought to lower my interest rate, and it would come at a price (20,000 Rs). And hence my intelligence told me, that instead of buying the spread, it was time to move to my preferred nationalized banker (SBI), offering new borrowers @ 10.15% Rate of Interest. I was proud to make an intelligent decision back then.. but was it? Lets find out..

Lawyer, Property Inspection Charges: Rs. 4000/- approximately.
Processing Fees: Rs. 1000/- only (for loan transfer cases)

Was very happy, until now, but following are to be noted, in terms of SBI:

  1. Equity Mortgage Agreement with SBI (Cost: 8300/- for me. Might vary).
          This is kind of an agreement with SBI on stamp paper (worth Rs. 8300/- for me), which states that your property will be mortgaged with the SBI, until you pay the entire loan amount back. 
          The thing to note, however, is that  other banks (eg: HDFC) does not have this procedure in place. When checked with HDFC, they say that the clause of mortgage is already present in the loan arrangement letter, and does not require any stamp paper agreement. If the borrower fails to pay, they, by default have the legal rights to take on the said property.

 2. Property Insurance Mandatory with SBI (One time cost of Rs. 21, 900/- for me. Might vary).
     Definitely, Property and Self Insurance is always recommended for one. However, just for all to know the difference: 
  • In case of HDFC, Self and Property insurance is completely optional (though recommended). 
  • In case of SBI, Self Insurance is optional. However, Property Insurance is mandatory.SBI needs to have any existing property insurance (which could be transferred), OR a term-insurance which is already in place. Failing which, the loan will not be granted. If you don't have one, you have to buy a very general pack (one time payment of Rs. 21,900/-).  
 3. Planning on the loan disbursement date
        Disclaimer: Ok, this is very chindi (on saving just a very few extra bucks).
  • Even though not much control you could have on the nationalized bank on what approximate date, would the loan amount be disbursed, planning always helps. In my case: 
  • My HDFC EMI payback is on 10th of every month (for previous month) i.e. On 10-Feb, I would pay my EMI for the full month of January. 
  • Had my date of loan disbursement from SBI, been on say 3-Feb, on which I go to HDFC and pay back my full amount, I will end up paying: 
    • Jan's EMI (eg: 36,000)
    • Simple interest on the 2 days of February (i.e. from 1st - 2nd Feb, since I am making full loan pre-payment on 3rd). (Comes out to say Rs. 2400/- only).
  • Now, since very wisely, I had selected 3rd of every month as payback cycle for SBI, next EMI due would only be on 3rd of March. 
  • So, in effect I am EMI free in Feb month (except only for Rs. 2400/- bucks in my case). 
  • However, the money that I saved (Rs. 36000 - Rs. 2400) for Feb, I will make a principal pre-payment to SBI in the month of April, which will bring down my loan amount (Why April? Simply from tax planning perspective).

4. Adhoc delays and very bad services
  • Yes, it is very true. SBI employees are atleast 300 years old. You will have to visit the branch more than expected, and come back empty-handed, dissatisfied. 
  • With HDFC loan processing, I had to take around two half-days off at work (i.e. one day). With SBI, I alteast took 5 full days off work (and people said that I was lucky).
  • The SBI will call you and simply send you back, because they just can't handle things OR not in a mood to work today.
  • The original property docs handling is also very lousy! Believe me, I could even snuck off  my original property documents, and they wouldn't have a clue! (They asked me to put everything in one folder, staple some, make entries in their registers which they should've, and hardly checked any kind of authenticity). 
  •  You will have to visit the home branch twice a year to get that Income Tax certificate (One time to give the request, Second time to collect the paper, third/fourth time if the papers are not ready). No, they do not have this online. 
Everything said and done, still there are some good points, which makes all the trouble worth: 
  • Lower rate of interest! Yay! 
  • More prinicpal payment per month in your EMI (as against many other bankers).
  • With SBI, you can use an overdraft account. This means that, you can make a pre-payment of say just Rs. 5000/- at end of the month. The EMIs will be adjusted accordingly. With HDFC, I had to make any prepayment more than my EMI (i.e. min more than Rs.  36,000/-). You can also take off the amount of Rs. 5000/- back and EMIs would be adjust accordinlgy. Helpful, in kind of emergency situations.
 Of course, I am no finance genius, but the above points will definitely help the other lay-man just like me, before he wishes to transfer his loan from one bank to another!