Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

15 December, 2008

Life treating you ??? eh..???

I see that these days, there are change in perspective of people. Well, a revolution, you might say... or you may term that as awakening... or maybe modernization...

Well... whatever that might be... my point is that people now have accepted some things exactly the opposite way it used to be thought of... well.. its not making any sense, is it???

I just went through the orkut, and read many scraps asking -

"Hows life treating you??? "

I am just wondering, isn't it the other way round, you treating your life??? It makes no sense, does it? Life treating me... what could my answer possibly be...

I could surely answer how my managers or friends treat me.. but how is life treating me?? Just repeating this phrase over and over... and I am already finding some English violation error in this phrase... not only in the grammar, but even while thinking.

Did people give up totally that they can control their lives all together? I can treat my life in a maybe positive/negative manner... but how can... well forget it!

This phrase is just knocking my brains off! I will not stop thinking about this, until I find an equivalent humorous answer to this thing!!! Any inputs, eh?

1 comment:

Megha said...

I guess what it could mean is .. what is life throwing back at you! Agreed that what goes around comes around .. but still ..i guess this accounts for all the contingencies .. :)