Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

15 December, 2008

Someone counting on me?

Not over exaggerating, but some one did mention one evening that I am a nice trainer ... so, after the compliment, I treated myself a grand dinner @ T*j's, and enjoyed a deep sleep ...

But when I woke up the next morning, and saw my face in the mirror in the yellow ambiance, trying to figure out how I describe myself to (not to others of course), following three things popped up within no time -

1. I am very lucky.
2. I don't work.
3. I get paid.

Are there any people who think that there is no place for them in the working world? If you are the one, I am your source of inspiration :)

Apart from the Aug 2006 until Dec 2007 period, I have never ever put any effort in any kind of work, except for the effort that goes into "portraying" the work accomplished.

I am sure, if I would try to do anything stupid like switching job to move ahead in the life, life will surely treat me pretty bad... I finally got the answer to my previous post !!!!

But any time in my life, if I ever write a book, my book will surely start with the above mentioned 3 attributes... !!!

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