Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

29 August, 2009

August 14, 2006

A lot of old memories are running through my minds, and so... expect a lot of OLD posts now...

It always starts with those good old childhood days... You are always very excited to visit the workplace... Because you don't work... Your dad does! He brings you in through the office gate, and the watchmen smiles and asks your name... You enter the office, and the chai-walla asks, whether you would like to have a Gold-Spot or a Limca (GoldSpot remains my favorite!) Dad then proudly shows you his work area... A wooden chair, A wooden table laden with paper files, God's and family photos, and an inkpot! Fan-on-top if you work, and an additional table-fan if you get promoted! He then takes you around introducing to all the people in the way, and then to the room for Cold Storage, and you experience that first wave of some device called Air Conditioner, and you adore it! And you wonder, when will I get my room with cool air around me?

And then years pass on... Cafeteria servings become food, Smart people become dudes, Coca-Cola becomes Coke... and you graduate!

It was 14-Aug-2006. With the perception of a normal (government like, where babus sit - with wooden chair&table and fan on top) in mind, I walked inside with pride... (Imagine the musical score from Black, the movie)... and it seems like a dream come true...

Moving from Mumbai to Pune, was then, my worst decision... which turned out to be the best eventually... I even considered going back, just to be with the family, and take up the offer which paid exactly 50% of what this company offered... My roommate then and office colleague now, even suspects tears in my eyes, when I bade my family goodbye on that first day... :)

Coming back to the musical score from Black...
You observe most of the things, that seem ridiculous:

- The floor covered in glossy-reflecting-shining granite, and you have a look at your local-branded shoes!
- (Non-artificial) Plants leaves are wiped clean using water and a napkin
- The intersecting joins within a staircase, being cleaned by a tooth-brush
- Free Food (Includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, fruits, beverages - This surprises some of my friends, even today)
- Free travel services
- The Hotel Accomodation charges bill amounting to Rs.40,000/- for 15 days.
- A separate Table Tennis, Billiards, and a TV room.
- No Dress Code (Wore a shirt exactly twice in 3 years while in office - once when interviewed, other when went to onsite for the first time)
- Tissue Papers everywhere
- Good looking girls (However, either committed or in the neighboring projects!)

After coming over the surprises, you start with your first day at work... but you feel no different... The Induction lecture starts... but you listen this time around...

Few days pass by, and then... your first salary arrives! Nothing seems to match this feeling... you have earned it! Then you go to the ATM, take out your first bill of 100Rupee Note, and laminate it to remember it for the rest of your life...

And this is how it all started... three years back!

11 August, 2009

Blah! Blah! Blah! [at] a Training

Phew!!! Back after a long time! Believe me when I tell you that
facebook is actually killing my blogging act! Just kept writing something crazy on my WALL, only to find out that No One's listening! So here it is, for me.

I am currently just loving my 5-day profession. Going as a full-time trainer, for the 3rd time in a row, I would love to make it my profession. For all of you who are reading this, am in the software industry, but out of all the techie work, and just socializing! Socializing, I think, I need to write another blog... woooh! Too much to write!

Anyways, at the training, there are a few interesting things happening:

  • I wore a shirt! - Yeah! This is top-of-the-list. You'll never ever find me wearing one of those dreaded things!
  • Background - Something which can be taught in 2-3 days, is to be streched over 5 days.
  • I have, however, convinced them that 5 days is too less, a time, for getting there.
  • I say, with full confidence, by looking right in their eyes, that we ought to start exactly @ 9, and I have no problems, whatsoever, in streching beyond the regular hours; but just smile within when they ask me to start by 9.30 and conclude by 5.30. Its a relief!
  • It's a record, being the closest ever ONSITE opportunity ( <>
  • More the people, the better it gets! - My philosphy from a trainer's perspective! More the people, there always exists a person, who leaves the meeting room for something; and then you just WAIT!
  • Carried my personal (and NOT Office) laptop, just because I could get my WINDOWS and ANTIVIRUS definitions updated. (For the geeks - I've never ever installed an IT software, beyond Microsoft Powerpoint till date; It is just meant for games, music, and movies in that order).
  • Was active on facebook for about 2 hours, while training the peers.
  • I ended up speaking 70 minutes, for the matter worth, not more than 7 minutes. And it was a master piece!
  • "All that you require can be CONFIGURED" - The statement I've used at least a hundred times!
  • Sighed for SWINE-FLU, and for Michael Schumacher, not returning to the FERRARI Grid, for a couple of minutes.
  • One of the participants is down with COLD and COUGH, and the other participant's room-mate feels feverish and has sore throat. Ever heard those ridiculous symptoms?
  • Went for a long drive (on my bike), after my quick lunch; but was still the only person to return back to the training.
  • Had plenty of freshly ground coffee! Something atleast, for my poor soul!

However, exaggerating all this might seem, I truthfully respect the opportunity, and give it a best shot, so as to fulfil all the training needs! Ahem!

Stay tunned... for more updates! I am just loving it.