Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

19 October, 2009

The Knight Riders' Diwali 2009

*Foreword: The post is to be enriched by pictures. It can be done only when the virus on our group photographers' computer, will decide to migrate! Currently, the virus is enjoying the Diwali, but sending out 'Happy Valentine's day' to all.

17th Oct 2009... 23:00hrs... It was time to leave from 'Albela', a local Chinese outlet, when we observed that Ravi is blessed with a baby bike (Honda Unicorn - 150 cc - Jet Black color). My Pulsar and his Unicorn, both black, were going side by side, and the photographer (a.k.a. Aarti Iyer, in the real world) exclaimed - "It just seems like an excerpt from the Goa Trip".

My crazy head spun at this remark, and I said (while we are still on 45kmph speed - well thats what Ravi's bike limit is, for the first 1000km) - "You know what. This will be a crazy thing, that you'll remember we'd done together. Lets go to Juhu Beach". At this remark, the bike speed decreased exponentially to 0 mark. After convincing our Jerry (Chin2) [We missed you Tom] to join us, he needed 30minutes to do his needful - eat, after having Diwali snacks, sweets, a cola, and a soup!

30 minutes then, two bikers with plain shorts, two helmets head-on together, and a snap started our celebration. Here was the plan, that we came up with:
  • Its 00:00hrs already, and we need to find a few fuljharis on the way.
  • Lets get to Juhu Beach, and celebrate Diwali by lighting the fuljharis.
  • On our way back, hit Anna's coffee (also known as 'tapri' coffee).
A simple, yet enjoyable plan it turned out to be indeed!

Hitting the highway, within a tolerable limit of 45kmph, we took snaps on the way with a snap that I'd rather delete! Chin2, I am going to kill you! We photographed Amitabh's two bungalows too, which was decorated quite well.

And at 01:00hrs, we found it! Just across the road, lied a fireworks shop. Of all the things that have been invented in the crackers world, we selected the good old fuljharis!

We reached Juhu beach @ around 01:05hrs, and were surprised to learn that it is indeed a crowded place! So, there we stood, in front of the waves, lighting fuljharis against the wind! (Chin2 was the matchbox man or the ignitor, and the matchbox was borrowed from some1, which we didn't return). I don't know whom more to thank, the camera, or the photographer, who made us look simply excellent. God bless them both. The fuljharis motion could be captured, and it will definitely look photoshopped, when I publish them. After several individual pics (one with Ravi's a** on fire), it was time for a group photo. And we were damn scared whom to hand over the precious camera to, and the situation worsened when I recalled an incident where in the street guy fled away with the camera! We finally got a person to do the job. Can you guess who could it be? The most trustworthy person - a lady cop! Yup! She had come us to shooo us away, when we politely handed over the camera, and snap! What a pic it was! Really memorable!

And on our way back, we hit Inorbit Mall at around 02:15hrs (Thank Chin2, the navigator), and we could find our best dinner place! Anna's cycle! Wanna know the menu items, that are sold on a cycle? Here it is:
  • Idli Chutney
  • Coffee, Tea, Boost
  • (Boost + Coffee) --> Customized Menu, which we enjoyed --> We name it "Anna's Moccacino"
And believe me, it was the best food, that we had in months! Awesome taste!
We bade our good-byes, and were off to home..

Well, that's all folks, that was our Diwali 2009! A simple way of celebrating Diwali, in a special way!

Two fuljharis, friends, a nice place to celebrate, that's all we need, to celebrate the festival of light! Go ahead people, celebrate it!

Ajay, we missed you... rather... you missed it!


Unknown said...

Eagerly awaiting the pics :D

Unknown said...

I missed it too...see chin2...thats y i say...ur still happy...

mAnIaC! said...

@Priyank Thanks Priyank for correcting the date! It is supposed to be Oct, and not Sep.

Correction Done!

rt said...

pictures will come soon....but that's only when dhanoo comes home to fix my pc...sadly suffering 4m this viral