Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

26 January, 2009

Improving Political Tamasha

Imagined how many TV channels do we have now? I think, after 100, we just stopped counting! Anyways, to improve our political processes, I wish to add one more fish to the pond, by having one more TV channel to do the trick!

Here’s my idea-

We do have our geographical area divided amongst the ruling party’s politicians all around. This means that each zone does have one representative, who needs to pay his duties for good of the people.

I would like to bring each of those representatives, one by one, on this particular channel, broadcasted Prime Time Live, and to give statements about just two things –

i. What was done during the last monthly cycle/quarter?

ii. What is planned for the next month cycle/quarter?

The programs that would be broadcasted here in would comprise of following break-up:

  1. Country Progress Check: (2 days, preferably weekends)
    1. Here, each of the ruling party’s politicians, who represent the country as a whole, would be answering the questions (i) and (ii) mentioned above.
    2. This will help a citizen of India aware of all the decisions being made to project India’s progress at global level.
    3. Representative would include, someone like –

- Prime Minister

- President

- Finance Minister

- Etc…etc...

  1. Individual Zone Check: (4 days)
    1. Here, each of the representative of the zone, would come up, and again answer the above two questions.
    2. This will make the citizen of that particular zone aware of the happenings in his area. So, a citizen of Bandra, will watch this program only, which really affects him.

  1. Watcher’s Grievances: (1 day)
    1. As we have “Reader’s grievances” section in the daily newspaper, I would have Watcher’s grievances, where in you can simply call up, and raise your concerns in case of any mishaps or wrong doings in your area by any one.
    2. Each week, one of the subjects would be chosen and any one can call up, and directly take names of the officer, who might be involved in some corrupt behavior.
    3. Also, a TOLL FREE NUMBER would be given to all the citizens to register complaints against such acts. An action squad would be responsible to sort out the cases, prioritize them, and take suitable action within a maximum period of 2 weeks.
    4. This way, we could keep track of no. of cases solved every month, and thus, surely measure our progress, as a nation.

The fliers of schedule can be distributed, put on the net, or published on the media.

The above mentioned activities will result in following two benefits:

  1. Understanding of the political process, and measure its progress:

Each citizen gets to understand an track the progress meter of the political behavior.

  1. Transparent Political behavior

Each citizen will know how politics is advancing in the nation, and will surely give a clear picture of how things work.

  1. Better Competitions, amongst the politicians themselves, to serve people better:

A citizen now sees, which politician is doing good for his people, and hence, in the next elections, a citizen has a clear picture, on who to elect, as he can select from a group of politicians.

I don’t think, taking an hour off the politician’s time every month (or every quarter), would be that hard. But this idea’s implementation will raise quite a few voices. We should definitely give this a try, for sure!

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