Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

10 January, 2009

Well, some good news !!!

After all, some good news for the new year !!

On a lazy Saturday afternoon (or so I have to say so as to emphasize - not during office hours :) ), I thought why not, and why not only if it is just a click away !!!

So, I just sent 2 pics, of my Vietnam Trip, and bang !!! It was the PIC OF THE WEEK !!
I proudly said to my friend today that, well, my name flashed in the newspaper too :)

 - 10_Jan_2009 HT Cafe (Mumbai), Page no. 11 --> Parting the waters

It's a no achievement really!!
If something is to be appreciated, its the place itself, and may be my camera; but my pic on the newspaper, makes me feel happy. 

Happy for the smallest of my achievements, is all what can be said !


Anonymous said...

i guess that frnd was

Nirav said...

It gives happiness/satifaction when recongnized. By the what prize you won. I know actually u did this for prize...He he...

Anonymous said...

nice! scan the whole thing a post it here! :D