Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

26 October, 2006

wELL, tHaTs ME!

Well, I am writing this stupid post, coz i m stupid(duh!)

Reality check:
-I dont get up early
-I get up only when my room-mate is all ready, wearing his shoes.
-We catch the office bus
-That office bus is the last one!

Well, one fine morning, this girl called **AL*N* sees 3 of us(my room-mates) running after the bus and finally ! -- catching it. She laughs. So, i dedicate this post to her ...

My Tight Schedule

Well, I never get up first. Its only when my room-mate *AU***H is all dressed up ready for office and really furious and screaming all over me, i open my eyes; and theN ----

Go back 2 sleep,of course! (last 2 min plz wala sleep)

But when i open my eyes --->

GRISH! GRISH! GRISH! (Says my toothbrush) Well, I am really carefull in selecting the TOOTHPASTE and not the SHAVING CREAM from once when I accidentally used it. [Both the tubes look soooo similar, life becomes really complex!]

After you know which daily chore, I then again come back to bed and start chatting with my room-mates, when they push me in the bathroom and ask me to make it fast!

I am really fast and the whole transformation process FROM BRUSH to WEARING SHOES takes juz 15minutes. Surprised? Arent You?

You heard it right buddy, I said WEARING SHOES and not otherwise; While they are busy locking the room, I am still wearing my T-SHIRT outside in my staircase!

While we walk towards the road to catch the bus, I COMB my HAIR!

And then we run, and we run and run, yes run! run! run! and finally catch the bus.

Finally, in the bus, I tie my SHOE LACES.

And when I get down from the bus, HEY! nOT even a single person can figure out THE METHODOLOGY OF MYSELF GETTING READY. Howzatt?

1 comment:

Megha said...

You sure are ONE BIG scatter-brain! hehe!