Some Real Crazy Blogging!!!

21 December, 2008

Slamming it right, and tight!

This ain't one of those funny posts! But a worth mention, for sure! This post does give a striking remark on all Indians, who just hate India!

This happened while I was on Hyderabad Airport, killing my time standing, and surfing the net. Just next to me is a Tata Indicom telephone service, where you can talk over the phone to anyone dear, anywhere! This Indian lady (only by origin an Indian I consider), walks in with 200% confidence, calls someone, and walks off! The telephone serviceman calls her loud, and asks for the call money. Listen to her response -

Where the hell where you, when I wanted to make a phone call? Why d hell you didn't inform me that these calls are charged? You will come only at the end asking for money, and show your typical Indian mentality!

I seemed absolutely calm for all but the last three words - "typical Indian mentality"!!! I just couldn't bear it, and hence in a loud sharp voice, in a sarcastic way, I got back at her with -

"You of all the Harvard graduate should definitely know that there is nothing free in this world, and so, as a typical Indian you should look for the signboards, which shouldn't be a hard thing if you could just Read! and oblige"

Well, the above words were fluent stammering, that came out of my vocals, on top of my voice. The last 12 days spent, as a training expert, definitely paid off... paid off really well. After delivering the punch, I just started walking off, just to not let her come back on me again!

I definitely don't understand this thing.
If there is some party in US, or any of the elite countries, people do skip their morning meals, and they too are driven by the word "free". So, how is it different, if my people get stacked over a SALE/DISCOUNT shop???

I totally do not find any differences, whatsoever.
She was an Indian, and thinks some of our acts as 'typical Indian mentality'! Don't know what she was proud of!

P.S: After the slamming, I did get two pats on my back, one from the telephone serviceman, and the other from a fellow passenger, which at least made me feel, that after all, it was definitely worth it :) !

15 December, 2008

Someone counting on me?

Not over exaggerating, but some one did mention one evening that I am a nice trainer ... so, after the compliment, I treated myself a grand dinner @ T*j's, and enjoyed a deep sleep ...

But when I woke up the next morning, and saw my face in the mirror in the yellow ambiance, trying to figure out how I describe myself to (not to others of course), following three things popped up within no time -

1. I am very lucky.
2. I don't work.
3. I get paid.

Are there any people who think that there is no place for them in the working world? If you are the one, I am your source of inspiration :)

Apart from the Aug 2006 until Dec 2007 period, I have never ever put any effort in any kind of work, except for the effort that goes into "portraying" the work accomplished.

I am sure, if I would try to do anything stupid like switching job to move ahead in the life, life will surely treat me pretty bad... I finally got the answer to my previous post !!!!

But any time in my life, if I ever write a book, my book will surely start with the above mentioned 3 attributes... !!!

Life treating you ??? eh..???

I see that these days, there are change in perspective of people. Well, a revolution, you might say... or you may term that as awakening... or maybe modernization...

Well... whatever that might be... my point is that people now have accepted some things exactly the opposite way it used to be thought of... well.. its not making any sense, is it???

I just went through the orkut, and read many scraps asking -

"Hows life treating you??? "

I am just wondering, isn't it the other way round, you treating your life??? It makes no sense, does it? Life treating me... what could my answer possibly be...

I could surely answer how my managers or friends treat me.. but how is life treating me?? Just repeating this phrase over and over... and I am already finding some English violation error in this phrase... not only in the grammar, but even while thinking.

Did people give up totally that they can control their lives all together? I can treat my life in a maybe positive/negative manner... but how can... well forget it!

This phrase is just knocking my brains off! I will not stop thinking about this, until I find an equivalent humorous answer to this thing!!! Any inputs, eh?

27 November, 2008

An Idiotic Virtual Recruitment Management Methodology!

I just hope and wish that once for and all, my brain focuses only on the work, I have. I am getting some really crazy ideas for now. Please dont *curse* me for the below idiocity :)

I’ve been pondering around the web and just interacting with other people, and it seems to me that there is a new emerging recruitment methodology being developed.

Let’s name it “Virtual Recruitment Management” for now.

Here’s the concept

As faced by most of the companies in times of recession, even the best of the people are forced to leave the company.
You will be surprised to know that there are some 170 companies (very small though; many being Korean, Japanese, etc) coming to Mumbai next month, targeting to hire about 15,000 employees.

Here’s the catch. The employments are not effective immediate. They are effective 2 to 4 months from now. And this is how the budgeting would be managed (explaining in terms of How can we Implement).

Normal Scenario:

- Recruit X person, (Budgeted @ Y amount / person). Total Budget: X*Y --> Jan. Give Training.

- Recruit X person, (Budgeted @ Y amount / person). Total Budget: X*Y --> Feb Give Training.

- Recruit X person, (Budgeted @ Y amount / person). Total Budget: X*Y --> Mar Give Training.

Total: 3*XY

Virtual Recruitment Management Programme:

- Assume that you Recruit X person, (Budgeted @ Y amount / person). Total Budget: X*Y --> Jan (Don’t actually recruit/employ; no people; no KT)

[You do not actually recruit, but just that the Budget XY is reserved now. It enters the RESERVED BUDGET POOL. This budget now cannot be claimed back, by the management from our group. So you are taking the required budget that is needed, but you have the liberty of the time, so as when to use it]

- Actually Recruit 3X person, (Budgeted @ Y amount / person). Total Budget: 3X*Y --> Feb

[Total Budget in the RESERVED BUDGET POOL till Feb End: 2X*Y. Still the Remaining ‘XY’ amount, has either to be adjusted (squeezed out), or loaned from the Company Management]


- Assume that you Recruit X person, (Budgeted @ Y amount / person). Total Budget: X*Y --> Mar (Don’t actually recruit/employ; no people; no KT)

[Loan payback time :)]

In the month of February, with recruiting 3X*Y people, will be more effective, as someone will take care of efficiently drafting a Training Plan (with some Classroom training).

Now with 10 seniors around, and with a plan in hand, 2hrs per week, by a mentor can be very useful, and effective.

Currently, we have a new comer, *i**l, and I see that no proper training plan is in place. May be, because, for one person, it does not make sense for some overview/classroom training.

If you have 10 people around, you always want them @ one place – the Classroom. :)

The idea is that its only bad for the mentor, but its worst for the new joinee! Half knowledge is fatal :)


However, my idea, I understand are at a very preliminary stage, and I completely agree that it would sound too kiddish to propose/suggest it to higher management.

But just a view, I wished to share.

28 October, 2008

"Pange" and its consequences ...

Pange - Hindi term for unnecessary fight with influential people.

Ahh... I never thought that I would be experiencing Office Politics at any point at all... I thought that da "company" is too good to have any!

But damn... there was a mistake in my perception! Politics is not in/within the company, its within the culture !!!

But I must tell you... its a perfect blend of frustration, humiliation and humor!!!
I am loving it !!! *I and only I, da responsible for this politics around me, which I solemnly accept, before you move ahead reading, and wrongly interpreting my lovely superiors for any matter.

Firstly, something about me ...

I am a stupid dumb techie fellow, who knows nothing of technology, except for blabbering in a precise convincing manner... and from my friends' viewpoint, I tend to take my work, a bit too personally!!!

And I've the dumbest habit of providing stupid feedbacks of which I am still hopeful of it being valued and something will change for better.

Anyways.. that should give you a fair idea of my personality!!! Recently, I gave some spicy feedback about my mentor to da boss, knowing that the mentor is da boss' right hand ... and I had the struggle for my life !!!

After accepting that the boos about him were actually my incompetence, the kind of work I am getting it, man.. its just great !!!

My new work involves getting inputs from all da individuals, by going on their respectful tables, one after the other, asking da lords, and documenting. I can go to their tables, but can't disturb 'em by communicating !!! How hilarious, isnt it ?? After I make something stupid out of it and present for review, 70% changes anyways !!! So, when I actually ask the reviewer, what is actually expected ... nah.. oops... sorry.... can't ask that ... coz ... the answer is already known -

"I want what the customer wants"
"I am already 2yrs experienced"
"You are responsible; should surely learn to take initiative"

And the latest in my work stride involves -
"Returning Laptop of my busy teammate to the IT department" ! You know why he's busy??? You will surely love this one... coz... he wants to go on a vacation !!!

So, this Diwali Holiday in Mumbai, I had to take the great Lord's laptop, deliver it to a friend @ Ghatkopar the same day, carry his laptop back from Mumbai to Pune, and submit his laptop as the former Lord's laptop back to the IT department. Confusing, and tedious job, I must say !!!

Ah... man... surely its frustrating and humiliating, but then... its a phase of life, which I surely needed to experience!

But its really good in one sense... someone so rightly said -
"Don't be irreplacable; if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted!!!"
That's why one of my dear friend is not given customer site travel, coz... if he goes there, who the hell will work here? Man.. surely true !!!

And also.. I am too happy for a friend who is very soon leaving for good... way to go my friend !!!

But again... I surely accept, all stated above is my mistake, and all the blame credits should come to me... for blowing all the smallest of issues which should not matter at all... I now know why the tales tell - THE BOSS IS ALWAYS RIGHT !!!

09 October, 2008

My Precious

I finally found her... its a perfect match...

I call her the black beauty...

We met on the festival of Dussera... and it was love @ first sight...

I saw her and was impressed by her sparkling charisma...

I surely could not get a better match !!!

When I am with her, the air that I feel is soo different, simply refreshing !!!

She is really powerful from within ...

Also, she surely goes a long way with me ...

'Simply Magnificient' is what comes to my mind...

I dreamt about her, from the very first day of the college...

And perhaps 'needed' her from the very first day in office...

And the search ends right here ...

And I want to make her appearance public ...

Scroll down for her picture ...

My Precious ...





Nah.. Not so easy.. some more scroll work ...








And here she is ...

12 September, 2008

Multitasking, a style statement!!!

Switching on MTV… booting up your computer… talking over your cell phone, while chatting over the internet messenger, with sipping your coffee and thinking about what to write in your daily article “How to improve efficiency”, clearly says it all!!!

Multitasking is on its way. It makes a teenager more productive, and more efficient. But does it, really? For a period, yes!!!

Then, while multitasking, he becomes 3 people, working on 3 different tasks, and so… boss sits on the head of 3 people expecting 3 times the work J

In the software world, many tasks are assigned to a single soul; however, these tasks will not be presented in their pure form as work!

It will be assigned as A Challenge in front of an Engineer, to test his abilities!!!

Now, when one assigns a challenge, to an engineer, he is just not leaving his machine, till he is done.

That’s the corporate way of fooling a engineer’s brain. J

You know… you just have to sit late sometimes… it’s a part of our job…

Even we have done multitasking during our times…

This is just a small fragment…

Try to take it as a challenge…

You still need to see a long life ahead…

Needless to mention, the above words get delivered by which wise guy!

So, you put your heart and soul in the work, have lunch at night (yup, dinner @ night is for losers), and just think … why the hell you pay rent for the house!

Expecting a pat on your back for the hard work at least, you get all the soothing music to your ears –

I didn’t expect this from you at least … (Yup.. every person hears the phrase ‘from you at least’)

Try to take responsibilities… plan… prioritize… execute…

Efficiency… Management skills… Effectiveness… (All the Standard nouns…)

And when you raise some risks or await indefinitely for the wise person’s decision on some issue, and have got no clue on what to do next, and speak out – “I was waiting for your decision… “, you have had it, and you will be hearing

You are just not independent enough!!!

So, when you finally say “Multitasking isn’t effective…” OR “Multitasking is not for me…”… it is very surprising, because this word was introduced by Oxford ages before, and it’s so hard to believe that some word might have been introduced just for not being effective.

Also, the UNIX originators, have used this word, and slashed the lives of all the engineers living today…



The Dilbert Solution works for me to avoid multitasking, and yet to be portrayed as multitasking energy source for other’s inspiration!!!

Solution is quite simple –

  • Start with the easiest of task, send an update of it being started.
  • Go to the difficult most task, and just take a break of a few hours, and then send an update of a potential risk that you see, due to some awaiting critical information.
  • Always ask the most critical information during lunch breaks, when they are away.
  • Ask for 20min of wise man’s precious time, at the EOD, while he is going to board the office lift.
  • Come back to the easiest task, complete it; however, withheld this progress update for a few days.
  • While you are being cursed for being ineffective, provide this progress update of the easy task within next 17min.
  • Due to time unavailability, try to be effective and DISTRIBUTE the task amongst others; learn to share!!!
  • Distribute ONLY the difficult tasks. Keep simple tasks, inseparable from you, as you own it.
  • Send e-mails late in the night, after the late night movie.
  • Always come late to the office, and run helter skelter.
  • Don’t shave and look undernourished.
  • Just try once, and you will be entitled for the “Best Employee Recognition Award!!!”

How did you ever think, I got one… :)

09 September, 2008

Scott Draws His Line <------->

I am so much impressed by Scott Adams (creator of the comic-strip Dilbert), that I am unbelievably writing a blog about some other person, especially when there is too much work pressure around!

This guy whose book ‘THE DILBERT PRINCIPLE’ I worship more than the bible, is surely a masterpiece. His story gives me inspiration, and reaffirms my faith in my belief which is –

Any person can do Anything, Anywhere, Anytime in this world, and still be a success!!!

In our childhood, we are made to believe in a path, which if followed leads to being successful. You study well, become an engineer maybe, join an MNC, go overseas, come back rich, settle down, and die wealthy!!! However, there is no path!!! Many dumb heads I knew, who started their lives as junkies, are now the gurus; NOT in their fields but in places, where even they dint think they would end up in!

It is like having Masters in Pure Physics, and owning Chains Of Business Hotels!

Coming back to the Dilbert guy Mr. Scott, here is his life profile in my words –

He started with being a school valedictorian (student with best grade, an not as valedictorian to know the meaning of the word J) of his high school class, and a National Merit semifinalist, but was rejected by Famous Artist School for Talented Young People, for being young (11) !! How ironical, that is!!

After pursuing his MBA from University of California, he took a job in Crocker National bank in San Francisco, as a bank teller. During this time, his dyslexia showed up when he could not balance his totals! While he was on the verge of being fired, he wrote a letter to his VP regarding ways of improving the institution. VP found his letter hilarious, and instead got him enrolled for management training. This he has described in his works stating –

The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damageManagement!”

After working there for about 8 years, he joined Pacific bell, when he believed that Hard Work can actually reward a person, and climb the ladder of success! His belief crashed out fast in the cubicle world, when after 2 years of work, which didn’t amount to much, fetched him a “Employee Recognition Award”, wherein he says that his manager created a bogus project, to thank Scott for his contributions.

It was during this time that he started drawing his sketches of Dilbert, and all the characters in here, are inspired from his colleagues. Yeah.. the pointed haired boss too!!! Thus began his double life; he used to start by drawing characters, and strips at 6am, and job from 8am – 5pm.

He was finally downsized in June from Pacific Bell. The truth was, Mr. Adams says, he made a standing offer to his boss that when his costs outweighed his benefits, he would leave.

“People asked me if I'd go soft after I left,'' Mr. Adams says, and laughs. “I just wanted to make a point.''

And he even had focal dystonia (undesirable muscular contraction or twisting), due to which he could no more draw a line. However, he says, during the boring meetings of the corporate world, he'd hold down a pen tip to paper until he felt a shiver, then pick it up quickly and rest his hand before the pain would set in. He did this repeatedly, extending his pen-gripping time bit by bit. Eventually, he said, the problem "just went away."

Also, he lately had spasmodic dysphonia (problem with his vocal chords, vocals functions differently in every speaking context), even on which he can find humor and he says –

People who have this condition generally can't order a pizza over the telephone but can speak perfectly to their cat. Ironically, the context in which I can speak best is while being interviewed about how I can't speak. So depending on how they edit the piece, I might come off as a fraud with no problem at all.

Hats off to you, Mr. Adams!!!

20 August, 2008

About the Business Plan....

I am a big follower of Scott (of Dilbert fame), when it comes to the corporate reality!
Here is his definition about the Business Plan -

Somewhere in between the hallucinations of senior management and cold market reality, there is a concept of creating something called Business Plan.

Following are the steps of Execution when it comes to create/maintain a business plan -
1. Gather Information.
2. Forget It.


How true!
I remember my first business trip wherein I was asked if I had come with a business plan! Its absence caused a lot of escalations, and I spent about a few hours wasting to prepare this celestial thing!

But after we prepared a big-bang plan theory, and delivered it to the higher management with "Business Plan" in the subject line of the e-mail, everything and everyone calmed down. I was just moving my mails to backup, when I suddenly realized that THERE WAS NO ATTACHMENT in this mail.

I was just a beginner then, now I know it takes a while for people to learn! I know now how to create Business Plans in a jiffy!

14 August, 2008

The Most Redundant chat question!

Every time someone pings you and wishes to initiate the chat, there is a 9999999999999% assurance that he will start the conversation (after the 'hi' lingo trademark ofcourse), with any one of the three questions -

1. howz life...
2. wassup these days.. OR wassup dude!
3. kya haal hai...

These are the only three questions governing the chat universe, by which any conversation can be started, no matter when the person last had a chat with you - be it yesterday, be it yesteryear!

In fact, everyone from a stranger to the person you know most, opens up the conversation this way!

Also, I fail to understand the use of additional periods (or dots - ...) being used after each sentence. Does that specifically represent something? Or are they just for mere emphasis? How is "ok" different from "ok...." anyways?

As an attempt to save some of my time, I saved the following piece of line in a text file, so that my each conversation starts with the same response to the same set of question; and it starts with what I do the best - COPY/PASTE!

"bas chal raha hai job..
aaj thoda kaam hai..
isliye ruka hua hun late..
pak gaye hai kaam se..
blah blah blah!"

The Ending:

I am still working on studying the pattern of this part. However, I seem to have had some success on this part too. On a majority scale, it seems to be the following template -

"Sorry Gotta Go...
// Any Dumb Reason here!"

The last line "" seems to have become a collection of abbreviations, which is in need of an abbreviation itself! I wonder who is responsible for describing the new set of abbreviations.

Can any one help?
Are you of the kind who thinks I need some serious help myself, blogging something as stupid as this?

07 August, 2008

Idea for the perfect Card!

With all the friends all around suddenly disappearing/departing from the bachelor community, I am seeing many wedding invitations these days. However, my post does not express these poor people’s pity, or loss of bachelor community, but the focus is on the Wedding Invitation Cards!

So, it all had started with writing with nibs/ink-pots on the leaves, and may be delivering by pigeons.

Then came a Revolution!

Leaves got replaced by Printing press papers, and pigeons by postman J

Ok, I might sound a bit too exaggerating, but at least we had a system, where in we print the invites and personally invite everyone from the community.

Then came another Revolution – Computers and e-mail!

So, the wise pot heads started scanning/creating the wedding invites, and sending them on e-mail to family and friends.
What would be next? Fusion of the past and future, I suppose!

What devilish idea do I have in here, wanna know? No one ever wants to use/implement it, but yet I know everyone around wants to know how childish it sounds J

So here’s the next formula –

It would be interesting to see the couple on a pleasant evening, getting together, and doing something (if not painting) with the colors on the canvas!

This is something authentic, I would say – Couples personally penning down in the brightest colors, to invite you to an occasion which matters them the most!

Now, comes the devilish idea from an ITian jughead –

Scan this original invite, and write a shell-script/program which sends an auto generated mail of this original masterpiece, being delivered at the friends mailbox!

Sounds a bit too nerdy or geeky, but definitely again it’s something different!

19 June, 2008

-: Hats Off To Spirit Of Mumbai :- (Story of My 26/7)

Hi Friends,

Found this article in my very old mails... thought would post the story of my 26/7 -

When Sir Amiya Tripathi came and announced the
dismissal of lectures, it seemed a great relief from
the unstoppable, "nothing great", exhaustive DSP
lecture. It was however unknown what would soon

Bridges were washed away, rail tracks submerged,
telephone lines hit and large areas suffered power
cuts. Among the worst affected areas were Bandra,
Mahim, Matunga, Dadar, Santacruz, Byculla, Kurla,
Ghatkopar, Mulund, Thane and Badlapur. The city's
lifeline, the train services, were paralysed due to
waterlogged tracks and thousands of people camped in
the stations where food stalls were kept open through
the night.

We (Myself, Akshay, PD) started our journey through
rains viewing it as an adventurous, thrilling
experience filled with excitement. However, later when
we found BEST BUS then half dipped in water with lots
of DBITians inside, a wise thought stuck us to return
to college premises; which we did but not all DBITians
turned up to our proposal. So the fellowship(Myself,
Akshay, PD) again made the move to the BEST BUS.
However, we could not make it due to impactful nature
of rains.

Returning to college was like taking a shade under
our own house. Well, we had a great fun filled
experience; who wouldn't have when there are ppl like
Adhwait, Neto, Ravi around!

Strange incidents were all around.
Myself and Akshay went in heavy rains to bring
something to eat for all. We went through the canteen
wala back gate and to our shock, when we turned back
with vada-pavs we found it locked! Then Anna's
Dal-Rice were overheard being appreciated. Atleast
Anna has something in the good books!

Astonishing statements were made by all the profs

"Anyone found on 2nd floor during night would be
directly rusticated."

"Don't even turn your head while you r on the second

"(At 9'o' clock) Did u guys had your lunch already?"
Still curious to know what was on the second floor!

We played all the games possible out there. Then came
the time to sleep! We struggled here n there on the
chairs to sleep, but in vain. Thanks to Akshay, he
came up with an excellent idea to remove the curtains
and sleep on it. So when our bed was ready, everyone
jumped onto it to grab a place! Sorry Adhwait, as we
could give you just 6cm of the place.

Morning due to cold , we found our throat chocked up,
may be due to cold, laughter, screaming. Even Adhwait
could not sing his Morning Raga. "I can sing only
BASE of the songs properly" in his own words. Anna's
FREE Black tea would have done the trick for our
singer. We were all reloaded then to spend one more
day(may be even night) in college.

It was indeed not a good time for Hygenious (hopefully
correct spelling) Neto around. Neto came on bike the
same day. Neto undefeatedly, patiently trying to call
to his house right from 3 'o' clock made a striking
statement: "Mere ghar ka cell no. yaad nahi re barabar
se." Anish offered a great help by himself trying to
call from his cell atleast 100 times. Neto ended the
first, and started the other day by the same statement
:- "Ae Anish, phone try kar na re!"

Where were the others?

Melvin, Alfrey: Made it to homes on the same day
Austin : came to college next day (Spent night in a
PD: came to college, went to hotel (for food) n never
Rohit J : Spend whole night in Train (Andheri)

I had a good experience at hand and heartously SALUTE
the SPIRIT of Mumbai inspite of being SIX FEET UNDER,
still keeps on going. Mumbai never stops, Mumbai never
sleeps! It has to go on. That's AAMCHI MUMBAI.

Yeh Hain Mumbai Meri Jaan!

25 February, 2008

My desk

cartoon from

14 February, 2008

Adam's law of Compensation Equilibrium

Working more hours than ever? Thinking that you are unpaid for such hard work? Thinking that the work load on you is increasing?
Not True.

I read an article about this, and came across a term called "Virtual Hourly Compensation". It is the total amount of compensation you receive per hour including -

  • Salary
  • Bonuses
  • Stolen office supplies
  • Free photocopies, printouts
  • Internet surfing
  • Preparing your resume for another venture
  • Training for your next job
Now Adam's law of Compensation Equilibrium states that an employee's Virtual Hourly Compensation stays constant overtime.

Nature finds a way out to balance your workload with your productive work hours to create equilibrium.

So, true.. isn't it???

Work and its Definition

work [wurk] Work is defined as anything that you 'd rather not be doing!!!

So, don't think that you are working productively only 8 of the 9 hours expected. It is only for the better. The stock prices of my firm are rising after I joined, I do not want them to go down, by doing something stupid like 'working' !!!

20 January, 2008

National Theaters - Book of Secrets

Manav……Ajay’s Phone… ” yelled my mother and banged the phone on my ear. The clock ticked 9.40am on that Saturday morning, and I was on my bed, sleeping. “Chal.. Movie chalte hai… ” was our way of action. Yes, that’s how we always plan, never plan one! Just get up one fine morning, call the other guy, curse him for sleeping, call him a “Kumbhakaran”, open the newspaper (the other opens, hunt for one, and bang!!! Run!!! We meet in exactly 15min.

This time, however we decided to go for the movie the good old way. No multiplexes for us! What surprises us is NOT “Om Shanti Om” tickets being sold out at 320 bucks, but it is the people, who buy those!!! So, we decided to go to a local theater. Yeah, it was really local. We chose, Moviegem, Dahisar.

Let me tell you, this theater is hidden. You need to have a TREASURE HUNT map to locate it. Even the people around the theater building have NOT heard the word “THEATER” in years. The small tiny building that appears on the road, transforms into a gigantic theater area, in its backyard. Tickets prices were surprising too – Rs. 30/- for STALL and Rs. 50/- for BALCONY. It was so soothing to hear these two words, which we had long forgotten about, all that we remember now is GOLD/SILVER/PREMIERE seats. Still trying to figure out why they are called GOLD, SILVER seats. But STALL and BALCONY… so much clear and appealing. And we chose, yeah right STALL!

Tickets were not computer generated. They are so boring. But we had this person, who has 3 stamps, who applies them one by one just like a machine; ZAP ZAP ZAP, and done. You have it in your hand, even before you choose seats on the computer in a multiplex. The theater had everything. A guard, who checks your tickets and lets you in. He’ll even help you get in, even if you don’t have one. You are so very happy to see the man with the torch light, who guides you to the correct seat. People who know me well, will surely know what would I really do with a STALL ticket, yes try to sneak into, try a hand at getting BALCONY seats. And am happy to say that, it worked too! So, it was Nicolas Cage starrer “National Treasure – Book of Secrets”. In the interval, to complete the movie experience, we even enjoyed some POPCORN.

Ten on Ten to the movie experience! It is so much very important to preserve old theaters, it’s a national treasure! A boon to countless college people, who have to manage their and theirs’ tickets from their pocket money. Well, where else you will see Tickets been sold in BLACK. When would you be able to say – “Black mein tickets kharid ke dekhi”.